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How to update code from Jmockit 1.1 to 1.9 to Access Real Instance?

I am trying to update code from Jmockit 1.1 to 1.9 to Access Real Instance, But it seems to be unsuccessful as below:

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Matching real methods not found for the following mocks:
CopyOfAccessRealInstanceTest$1#getRealInstanceName(String m, mockit.Invocation inv)
    at CopyOfAccessRealInstanceTest$1.<init>(
    at CopyOfAccessRealInstanceTest.mockConstructor(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

I think it is due to mock method:

        @Mock(invocations = 1)
        public String getRealInstanceName(String m,Invocation inv)

-------------------------Codes 1.9---------------------------------

public class CopyOfAccessRealInstanceTest {  
    private Constructor constructor = new Constructor("");  

    public void mockConstructor() {
        // Mockit.setUpMock(Constructor.class, new MockedConstructor());
        MockUp<Constructor> mockup = new MockUp<Constructor>() {
            //public Constructor it;

            @Mock(invocations = 1)
            public String getRealInstanceName(String m,Invocation inv)
                if ("real".equals(m)) {
                    return inv.proceed(inv.getInvokedArguments());
                    // return it.getRealInstanceName(m);
                } else {
                    return "mock";


-----------------------Code of Jmock 1.1--------------------------------

public class AccessRealInstanceTest {
    private Constructor constructor = new Constructor("");

    public void mockConstructor() {
        Mockit.setUpMock(Constructor.class, new MockedConstructor());

    public static class MockedConstructor {
        public Constructor it;
        @Mock(reentrant = true)//reentrant allow to access real instance
        public String getRealInstanceName(String m) {
            if ("real".equals(m)) {
                return it.getRealInstanceName(m);
            } else {
                return "mock";

Class to be Mocked:

public class Constructor {
    private String memberId;  

    public Constructor(String memberId) {  
        this.memberId = memberId;  

    public String getRealName() {  
        return "real_" + this.memberId;  

    public String getRealInstanceName(String m) {
        return "real_m_" + m;


  • It is resolved. Thank you for Rogério and Sean!

    Note the API documentation says that an Invocation parameter must be the first parameter in the mock method. – Rogério