EDIT: Solved, see below.
Having trouble getting 'pretty URLs' to work with Assemble.io based site. With assemble-middleware-permalinks commented out it assembles the pages just fine into my specified folder (as index.html, about.html etc).
Full console output:
# grunt
Running "clean:build" (clean) task
Cleaning ./dist...OK
Running "copy:assets" (copy) task
Created 2 directories, copied 13 files
Running "uglify:vendor" (uglify) task
File ./dist/development/assets/js/components.js created: 129.64 kB → 128.88 kB
Running "sass:dist" (sass) task
File dist/development/assets/css/main.css created.
Running "assemble:pages" (assemble) task
My assemble task:
assemble: {
options: {
flatten: true,
plugins: [
permalinks: {
structure: ':basename/index.html'
// Templates
layoutdir: opt.layouts,
partials: opt.layouts + '/partials/*.hbs',
layout: 'default.hbs',
// data: opt.data + '/*.{json,yml}',
// assets: opt.dev + '/assets',
sitemap: {
homepage: opt.homepage,
changefreq: 'monthly',
priority: '0.8',
robot: false,
relativedest: true
pages: {
files: [
src: opt.pages + '/*.{hbs,md}',
dest: opt.dev + '/'
Finally I've got it working:
The problem was that the v0.4.0 and greater of assemble-middlewear-permalinks requires Assmble v0.5.0 which is not yet ready for public use (see: https://github.com/assemble/assemble-middleware-permalinks and https://github.com/assemble/grunt-assemble).
The fix was to install assemble-contrib-permalinks (v0.3.6) and use this instead. I've also updated the assemble task code for others who might come across this issue.