simple question, i guess, but I'm fairly new to this, so maybe you can help me. I made a bot for a chat, which i want to share with people. So, my first thought was: i'll add a command (!join), which then will let the bot join the specific channel. For some reason (i guess its due the operators), my join won't work.
Here is the snippet:
on *:TEXT:!join:#: {
var %name = $nick
;/msg $chan joining channel %name
/join #%nick
But it just won't connect. Any ideas?
If i just use /kick $nick (or %name), it works, so i guess this # is messing things up.
Thanks in advance
Try the following:
/join $chr(35) $+ %nick
Explanation: A variable name must be a word on its own in your line of code for it to be recognised as a variable name. Therefore, #%nick
will be interpreted as the string #%nick
, whereas %nick
will be interpreted as the name of the user issuing the command.
To append the value of a variable or identifier, you can use the identifier $+
which appends strings together. For instance, a $+ b
will return ab
Another issue arises when you use # $+ %nick
, because #
is an alias for the identifier $chan
. This means that if I were to type !join in #test
, it would try to join #testPatrickdev
. Instead of using #
, I use $chr(35)
(which will in turn return the character #
). It appends that to the value of the variable %nick