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C# TCPClient/Socket writing not throwing exception

I have many printers I am trying to connect to over tcp connections. I am trying to verify that my TcpClient is still connected to update a GUI. I am trying to write to a socket to make sure its still connected. I get no exception even if the cable is unplugged I tried all of the suggestions here MSDN_Fourm

I am receiving the expected exception after I try to check the printer statuses

psudo-code client is a TCPClient that has been connected previously

private bool FuntionPsudo(){
            byte[] buf = new byte[1];
            client.Client.Send(buf, 0,0);
                return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    return false;

FuntionPsudo returns: true

cable unplugged

FuntionPsudo returns: true

FuntionPsudo returns: true

check printer status

FuntionPsudo returns: false

Thanks in advance for any help on why this might be happening and/or how to fix it


  • After several failed attempts I realised 'unplug-the-cable' type of connecting detection isn't that easy. At the same time I found that there are a couple of tricks you can do to check if the server has closed the connection, all without needing to send hearbeat kind of messages.

    Here is what I came up with that I could say it works most of the time (especially with cable disconnects it's not easy to figure out if connection is still up)

    static class SocketUtils
        public static bool IsConnected(this Socket socket)
            return IsSocketConnected(socket) && IsNetworkConnected(socket);
        public static void KeepAlive(this Socket socket, int pollSeconds)
            socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, true);
            SetIOControlKeepAlive(socket, (uint)(pollSeconds * 1000), 1);
        static bool IsNetworkConnected(this Socket socket)
                return socket.Send(new byte[0]) == 0;
            catch (SocketException) { return false; }
        static bool IsSocketConnected(this Socket socket)
                return !(socket.Poll(1, SelectMode.SelectRead) && socket.Available == 0);
            catch (SocketException) { return false; }
        static void SetIOControlKeepAlive(Socket socket, uint time, uint interval)
            var sizeOfUint = Marshal.SizeOf(time);
            var inOptionValues = new byte[sizeOfUint * 3];
            BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)(time == 0 ? 0UL : 1UL)).CopyTo(inOptionValues, 0);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(time).CopyTo(inOptionValues, sizeOfUint);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(interval).CopyTo(inOptionValues, sizeOfUint * 2);
            socket.IOControl(IOControlCode.KeepAliveValues, inOptionValues, null);

    Here is how you can use it:

    var tcpClient = new TcpClient();
    tcpClient.Connect("", 3000);
    // set this to a low value to detect cable disconnects early
    tcpClient.Client.KeepAlive(30); // 30 seconds
    while (true)

    I must add that I shamelessly copied some code from Samuel's answer about checking client disconnects and Greg Dean's answer about setting keep-alive on the socket, so some credit should go to them as well ;)