I'm currently using this code to try to populate my dropdown list in asp.
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
models.Add(i+1, items.ElementAt(i).model);
ddl_Model.DataTextField = "Value";
ddl_Model.DataValueField = "Key";
ddl_Model.DataSource = models;
However, upon using SelectedItem or SelectedValue, it always show as though my list is empty.
I believe it's due to me declaring an empty list from the start, before populating it.
<h2>Please Select your Model:</h2>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl_Model" AppendDataBoundItems="True" runat="server" >
May I know how to get the correct values from my drop down list?
Thanks in advance.
This is the ViewState issue. Basically your dropdown is not retaining state during PostBack event. First thing is check whether you have enabled the view state for the page.
<asp:Page EnableViewState="True" />
Second thing is check where you are populating the dropdown. If you are binding in the page load event, then make sure if it is under !IsPostBack or not
//your above code
Third thing is using debug, check whether ddl_Model.SelectedIndex is called after ddl_Model.DataBind() code is called.