I'm having some trouble trying to do some custom validation with a select2 jQuery plugin
I need to force user to select at least 2 items from the list. The select2 plugin has a property maximumSelectionSize that allows user to select up to X items from the list, but it does not have the "inverse" property. Also the required tag won't work because I need user to select more than one item.
As I'm working developing a custom validator with parsley validation plugin, I'd need to know how to get at any moment (commonly at form submit) the current quantity (number) of items chosen in a select2 field? Maybe with val() method?
Solved by:
Add data-parsley-cantmin="2" attribute to the select2 field
Initialize the ParsleyConfig object as following
window.ParsleyConfig = {
validators: {
cantmin: {
fn: function (value, requirement) {
//return value !== requirement;
if ($("#campoprofesionales").val())
if($("#campoprofesionales").val().length > 1)
{return true}
else {return false}
priority: 32
i18n: {
en: {
cantmin: 'You have to select at least %s items from the list'
es: {
cantmin: 'Tiene que seleccionar al menos %s items de la lista'