I'm new to Filenet and I was asked to develop an event action handler in Java.
I'm trying to define a Javadoc for the jace.jar
library, but with no success.
Does anybody know what's the URL for this Javadoc? (I need it for com.filenet.api
A bit late for an answer but you could link your Jace.jar Javadoc location to http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/api/content/SSNW2F_5.2.0/com.ibm.p8.ce.dev.java.doc
This link points to version 5.2.0, you would need to change it according to your installed version.
Alternatively, you could download the appropriate javadoc from ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/data/cm/filenet/docs/p8doc/52x/ and link it to Jace.jar
Hope this helps