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How to override base User in a Strongloop loopback scaffolded project?

Given a brand new project created with:

$ slc lb project myapp

How do I replace the 'user' model in models.json with a 'customer' model placed in the ./models directory? Customers should have the login/logout etc. methods and 'users' should not exist as an API. Also, the customer model should not be dynamic. Let's pretend customer should have a schema as follows:

  • name
  • email
  • password
  • question
  • answer
  • phone
  • verified
  • dataCreated

I've been playing with this for a couple of days and my google-fu is letting me down. Any help appreciated. Thanks.


  • This is the idiomatic way:

    1. In models.json, rename user to Customer.

    2. In models/customer.js, add custom methods to the model created via models.json:

      var app = require('../app');
      var Customer = app.models.Customer;
      Customer.myfn = function(cb) {
        // etc.

    Also, the customer model should not be dynamic. Let's pretend customer should have a schema as follows

    Use strict to lock down the properties:

      "Customer": {
        "options": {
          "base": "User",
          "strict": true
        "properties": {
          // define properties (schema)

    See Model definition reference for more details.

    Update based on the comment below this answer

    It is possible to create your models code-first, see customer.js in LoopBack's sample app that was built before models.json was introduced.

    Here is what you should do in your code:

    var app = require('../app');
    var Customer = module.exports = loopback.createModel(
        name: 'string',
        // and all other more properties
        base: 'User',
        strict: true

    That is basically the same code that is executed by app.boot for all entries in models.json. It should add the familiar REST routes to your application: GET /customers, POST /customers/login, POST /customers/logout, etc.

    It is very difficult to help you without seeing your code that does not work and knowing what exactly do you mean by "not working".