I have an epub3 book containing lengthy data tables. I use a thumbnail image of these tables with a link to the actual html file (the html files are included in the manifest).
When I click the link to display the html table itself; the ereader displays the table, but when I click the back
button the reader goes the end of the book and seems to have lost its place in the navigation.
How can I fix this so the back
button works as expected?
I'm using Readium and Calibre.
The issue isn't your ePub file: it's the fact that the Readium interface doesn't render books like a typical web page... So the back button on your browser won't behave correctly.
The best solution I have found is to create your own back button using an inline link:
<a href="[chapterFile].xhtml#[elementID]" class="fakeButton">Go Back</a>
This will take you back to the targeted element in the specified chapter!