Search code examples

Can I create a sticky menu bar with only HTML?

I am wondering how i can create a sticky menu bar while scrolling using exclusively html codes. Is this even possible? Website of inspiration

For clarification... My menubar is consisting of "Plånböcker" "Kundtjänst" "Om Oss".

My HTML code for the menubar is...

<nav id="main_navigation">
    <ul class="row">{{! Highlight "All items" if we are on a list page and no navigation item is selected }}
        <li class="column {{#list_page}}{{#no_current_navigation}}selected{{/no_current_navigation}}{{/list_page}}"> <a href="{{store_url}}/products">

                <li class="column {{#is_current}}selected{{/is_current}}">
                    <a href="{{url}}">

        </li>{{/navigation}} {{#store_blog_url}}
        <li class="column"> <a href="{{store_blog_url}}" target="_blank">

        <li class="column">
            <li class="column"> <a href="{{store_url}}/Kundtjänst">

            </li> <a href="änst" target="_blank">


        <li class="column {{#about_page}}selected{{/about_page}}"> <a href="{{store_url}}/page/about">
                        {{#lang}}Om oss{{/lang}}

    <div id="search_container">{{search}}</div>{{! By using #is_current within a #navigation block we can find the currently selected navigation item }} {{#navigation}} {{#is_current}} {{! Render the submenu if it has any navigation items }} {{#children?}}
    <ul class="child_navigation row">{{#children}}
        <li class="column"> <a href="{{url}}">

        </li>{{/children}}</ul>{{/children?}} {{/is_current}} {{/navigation}}</nav>


  • Your question doesn't really make sense, since HTML is fairly useless without some direction from styles. For example, the site you referenced uses this to accomplish their sticky header:

    #top-header-container {
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        margin: auto;
        width: 100%;
        z-index: 98;
        background: rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
        height: 70px;

    You can use that same type of styling by embedding a style tag in your HTML page.