Basically I need to access some records or data from a view in lotus notes itself. I can't use use the @DBLookup
since our target is not to refresh the form. I know that using AJAX it is possible though I still haven't tried AJAX yet if you have a detailed tutorial please share it here.
My main question is basically any other easier way to access these records in the view? Directly coding in the javascript part of a field. Thanks a lot.
Basically @DbLookup
= "?" Javascript (Not AJAX).
I would do like Torsten is suggesting, create a Lotusscript agent that performs the lookup and returns a JSON object with the data. You then make an Ajax-call to that agent from your webpage using Javascript or (even easier) jQuery.
I posted some code on my blog a while back. It is doing something similar, but instead of performing a view lookup, it retrieves the values of a specific document based on a document ID. You can find the code and a more detailed explanation here:
This is the jQuery code:
function loadNotesFields(docunid) {
var notesfieldname = "";
url: "/database.nsf/ajax_GetNotesFieldFields?OpenAgent",
data: {"NotesUNID":docunid},
cache: false
}).done(function(data) {
$('input[notesfield]').each(function() {
notesfieldname = $(this).attr("notesfield");
And this is the Lotusscript code:
Dim urldata List as String
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim webform As NotesDocument
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim urlstring As String
Dim urlarr As Variant
Dim urlvaluename As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim json As String
Set webform = session.DocumentContext
'*** Remove leading "OpenAgent" from Query_String
urlstring = StrRight(webform.Query_String_Decoded(0),"&")
'*** Create list of arguments passed to agent
urlarr = Split(urlstring,"&")
For i = LBound(urlarr) To UBound(urlarr)
urlvaluename = Split(urlarr(i),"=")
urldata(urlvaluename(0)) = urlvaluename(1)
Set thisdb = session.CurrentDatabase
'*** Create content header for return data
Print "content-type: application/json"
'*** Get Notes document baed on NotesUIND argument
Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(urldata("NotesUNID"))
'*** Build JSON for all fields in document except $fields
json = "{" + Chr$(13)
ForAll item In doc.Items
If Left$(item.Name,1)<>"$" Then
json = json + |"| + item.Name + |":"| + item.Text + |",|+ Chr$(13)
End If
End ForAll
'*** Remove trailing comma and line break
json = Left$(json,Len(json)-2)
json = json + "}"
'*** Return JSON
Print json
End Sub