I have a canvasjs-line-chart, which is filled automatically by PHP (http://jsfiddle.net/9geLc/3). What I want is the following:
23:00 (11pm) - yValue
0:00 (12pm) - yValue
1:00 (1am) - yValue
But canvasjs sorts like this(although I give the x & y values in the right order):
That makes sense (because 11 pm is after 1am). But 23:00 is from the first day and 0:00 and 1:00 from the second day. So 0:00 and 1:00 have to appear (in the chart) after 23:00. Are there any methods to force the order? Or to set the auto-order to off (maybe auto-order: false
or something else)?
Thanks for advice, Max
Assign the values (23:00 0:00 & 1:00) along with their date and it should automatically work fine. What you are probably doing is setting these hours to the same date