As there are 52 cards in a deck we know there are 52 choose 2 = 1326
distinct matchups, however in preflop poker this can be bucketed into 169 different hands such as AK offsuit and AK suited as whether it is A hearts K hearts or A spade K spades it makes no difference preflop. My question is, is there a nice mathematical property in which I can uniquely index each of these 169 hands (from 0 to 168 preferably). I am trying to create a look up table as a double[][] = new double [169][169]
but have no way of changing a hand representation such as AKs (an Ace and a King of the same suit) to a unique index in this array.
Maybe my math is wrong, but I come up with 182 distinct pairs of cards. I'm no expert in the game, so maybe I'm missing something.