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Return table type from a function in PostgreSQL

I have a function with RETURNS TABLE, and I want to return certain columns from my source table. When I execute the function, it gives no error but also returns no rows although it should.

What's wrong with my function?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ccdb.fn_email_details_auto()
  RETURNS TABLE (code integer, area smallint, action smallint
               , flag smallint, ucount  integer, view_cnt integer) AS
   sec_col refcursor;
   cnt integer;
   sec_code ccdb.update_qtable%ROWTYPE;
   SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT section_code)  INTO cnt
   FROM ccdb.update_qtable
   WHERE entry_time::date = now()::date - interval '1 day';

   OPEN sec_col FOR
   SELECT * FROM ccdb.update_qtable
   WHERE entry_time::date = now()::date - interval '1 day';

   FOR i IN 1..cnt
      FETCH sec_col INTO sec_code;

      PERFORM section_code, ddu_area, ddu_action, status_flag
            , ccdb_ucount, ccdb_view_cnt
      FROM ccdb.update_qtable
      WHERE entry_time::date = now()::date - interval '1 day'
      AND section_code =  sec_code.section_code
      ORDER BY ddu_area, ddu_action;

   CLOSE sec_col;


  • Your function is doing a lot of empty work.

    You could replace the tedious and expensive explicit cursor with a FOR loop using a cursor implicitly. But don't bother, and radically simplify with a single query instead. Optionally wrapped into an SQL function:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ccdb.fn_email_details_auto()
      RETURNS TABLE (code integer, area smallint, action smallint, flag smallint
                   , ucount integer, view_cnt integer)
      LANGUAGE sql AS
       SELECT u.section_code, u.ddu_area, u.ddu_action, u.status_flag
            , u.ccdb_ucount, u.ccdb_view_cnt
       FROM   ccdb.update_qtable u
       WHERE  u.entry_time >= now()::date - 1
       AND    u.entry_time <  now()::date        -- sargable!
       ORDER  BY u.section_code, u.ddu_area, u.ddu_action;

    Should be much faster while returning the same.
    Also, use this:

    WHERE  u.entry_time >= now()::date - 1
    AND    u.entry_time <  now()::date

    instead of:

    WHERE entry_time::date = now()::date - interval '1 day'

    The alternative is "sargable" and can use a plain index on (entry_time), which is crucial for performance.