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Map a Objects to list of key/value

I have a list of objects, which I would like to map to json as following:

"tags": {
    "f6a34fea-5d06-4fb2-a2c7-127e2b58165a": true,
    "39413ca6-b817-4ede-abd3-35822aec91b6": true

What I currently have:

RKObjectMapping *tagRequestMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[NSMutableDictionary class]];
[tagRequestMapping addAttributeMappingToKeyOfRepresentationFromAttribute:@"id"];
[tagRequestMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:@{@"hasTasks" : @"(id)"}];
tagRequestMapping.forceCollectionMapping = NO;
[taskRequestMapping addPropertyMapping:[RKRelationshipMapping relationshipMappingFromKeyPath:@"tags"

This results in the following json:

"tags": [
      "f6a34fea-5d06-4fb2-a2c7-127e2b58165a": true
      "39413ca6-b817-4ede-abd3-35822aec91b6": true

Unfortunately the webapp does not accept this as valid. I use the same rules to map the data from json to my core data objects, where it works just fine. But not for Core Data to json. How would I have to modify my mapping, to get one single object with all the values, just as specified?


  • Thanks to Wain I came up with a solution:

    I added a new property to my Task class, that is readonly and has a custom getter. In that getter I create a dictionary from my NSSet of Tag objects. Then for the mapping part, I just added my new property as a normal attribute that should be mapped and it worked perfectly.

    Custom Getter:

    - (NSDictionary *)getTagDictionary {
        NSMutableDictionary *tagDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
        for (Tag *tag in self.tags) {
            [tagDictionary setObject:tag.hasTasks];
        return tagDictionary;


    [taskRequestMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:@{