I have a Struts + Velocity structure like for example, a Person class, whose one property is a Car object (with its own getter/setter methods) and it is mapped to a Velocity form that submits to an Action, using ModelDriven and getModel structure.
I what to put a button on the form that shows "View Car" if car property is not null or car.id != 0 or show another button "Choose Car" if car is null or car.id = 0.
How do I code this. I tried something like that in the template file:
#if($car != null)
#ssubmit("name=view" "value=View Car")
#ssubmit("name=new" "value=Choose Car")
But I keep getting error about Null value in the #if line.
I also created a boolean method hasCar() in Person to try, but I can't access it and I don't know why.
And Velocity + Struts tutorials are difficult to find or have good information.
You should change the #if line to: