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Webrequest with quotes

I want to build a little remote tool for a school project. (XBMC)

At first I would say, that a string variable doesn´t include quotes, but \", which should picture quotes in a textbox and somewhere else. Firstly i mean C# makes quotes with that trick in a Webrequest too, but he doesn´t. Furthermore i can reach my device, but the ResponseReader doesn´t give any answer, but this isn´t important, because i can delete this part in need.

Here is an example for the variable Übergabe:

{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"Input.Up\"}

textBox2.Text includes the password and textBox1.Text includes the server.

How should i solve this?

I'm trying to make this WebRequest (method) work:

   private void Xorg (string Übergabe)
                WebRequest MyRequest;
                MyRequest = WebRequest.Create(("http://root:") + (textBox2.Text) + ("@") + (textBox1.Text) + ("/jsonrpc?request=") + (Übergabe));
                MyRequest.Method = "GET";
                textBox3.Text = ("http://root:*****") + ("@") + (textBox1.Text) + ("/jsonrpc?request=") + (Übergabe);
                Stream ResponseStream;
                ResponseStream = MyRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
                StreamReader ResponseReader = new StreamReader(ResponseStream);

                while (ResponseReader.ReadLine() != null)
            { listBox2.Items.Add("Server antwortet nicht! / Fehlerhafte Eingabe!"); }


  • Use WebUtility.UrlEncode :

    WebRequest MyRequest = WebRequest.Create(("http://root:") + (textBox2.Text) + ("@") + (textBox1.Text) + ("/jsonrpc?request=") + WebUtility.UrlEncode(Übergabe));

    " must be converted to %22. With UrlEncode you ensure that all character are properly converted