I have a User
model and a Message
model where users can send messages to each other, and I use Thinking Sphinx gem for fulltext search as connector for Sphinx Search in Ruby on Rails.
In my User
model I use negative IDs for system users, positive IDs for regular users.
Now I have the problem that Sphinx seems to ignore searches in messages by/to users with those negative IDs (=foreign key sender_id
as has
Index as definded in my Message
define_index 'messages_index' do
indexes title, :sortable => true
indexes body
has sender_id, recipient_id, created_at, updated_at
The search is done in the MessagesController
@received_messages = current_user.received_messages.search params[:q]
If the current_user
has a negative ID no result is returned. When I do a reindex
it shows that all Sphinx collected all messages, none were left out.
Is there any way to teach Sphinx to accept negative numbers for has
-Attributes? Or ideas for any work-around?
Sphinx's integer type is unsigned, so your negative values aren't collected.
You could force the type to be a float, but don't forget to make any filters on those attributes floats as well:
has sender_id, recipient_id, :type => :float
has created_at, updated_at