I have an J2EE app which uses a custom actor system and I need to externalize some custom configurations.
Is there a way to do this? Since the application.conf
is always on the classpath is there anyway I can load an external custom.properties
file and use it like below
ActorSystem.akka.remote.netty.hostname = "${custom.ip}"
ActorSystem.akka.remote.netty.port = "${custom.port}"
I am not entirely sure what your constraints are, but in principle you have several options:
You can provide hardcoded configuration to your actor system, when you create it, like this:
Map configMap = new HashMap();
configMap.put("akka.remote.netty.hostname", custom.ip);
configMap.put("akka.remote.netty.port", custom.port);
Config config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(configMap).withFallback(ConfigFactory.load());
ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("ActorSystem", config);
you can load you custom config file instead of application.conf
either through code: ConfigFactory.load("custom.conf")
or by setting a system property -Dconfig.resource=custom.conf
and include application.conf
in your custom.conf
, like this:
include "application"
akka.remote.netty.hostname = "custom-ip"
akka.remote.netty.port = "custom-port"
You could also provide the custom-port and ip through system properties and use defaults, if they are not defined. In that case the application.conf
would look like this:
akka.remote.netty.hostname = "default-ip"
akka.remote.netty.port = "default-port"
akka.remote.netty.hostname = "${?custom.ip}"
akka.remote.netty.port = "${?custom.port}"
Or you can include custom.properties
in your application.conf
file. If the custom.properties
does not exist if will silently be ignored. application.conf
akka.remote.netty.hostname = "default-ip"
akka.remote.netty.port = "default-port"
include "custom"
akka.remote.netty.hostname = "custom-ip"
akka.remote.netty.port = "custom-port"