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Sparql query times out with a transitive temp memory error message

I am running the following query to get visitor attraction in Italy

select distinct ?poi where {?company a dbpedia-owl:Place ; rdfs:label ?poiName; dcterms:subject/skos:broader* category:Visitor_attractions_in_Italy } 

But I get the following error.

Virtuoso 42000 Error TN...: Exceeded 1000000000 bytes in transitive temp memory. use t_distinct, t_max or more T_MAX_memory options to limit the search or increase the pool SPARQL query: define sql:big-data-const 0 #output-format:application/sparql-results+json define input:default-graph-uri PREFIX owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX dc: PREFIX : PREFIX dbpedia2: PREFIX dbpedia: PREFIX skos: select distinct ?poi where {?company a dbpedia-owl:Place ; rdfs:label ?poiName; dcterms:subject/skos:broader* category:Visitor_attractions_in_Italy }

I get this Error even If i use limit 10 at the end of the query. I know this may be a time consuming query but not sure how to break this query down such that at the end I get all the visitor attractions.


  • Someone ran into this same type of problem and asked about it on Finding all possible categories between one given and Main classification with DBpedia and SPARQL. The somewhat unsatisfying answer provided there is the answer here, too: make a decision about how deep you actually need to go, and rather than using *, use the {} notation to indicate a maximum number of repetitions of skos:broader. E.g.,

    select distinct ?poi where {
      ?poi a dbpedia-owl:Place ;
           dcterms:subject/skos:broader{,10} category:Visitor_attractions_in_Italy

    SPARQL results

    The {} notation to indicate number of repetitions is actually not a part of the standard, though it was in earlier drafts of it. The DBpedia endpoint, which is based on Virtuoso, still supports it, though.