I want to click some KineticJS images that is marked with pencircle on the picture:
The picture with blue circle is working okey.
The picture with yellow circle is working every 50 clicks.
The pictures with red circle is never working.
This is how I add the eventlisteners:
var imgLogo = new Image();
imgLogo.src = 'http://folk.ntnu.no/rubenra/web/Resources/bobsByggLogo.png';
imgLogo.onload = function(){
imageLogo = new Kinetic.Image({
image: imgLogo,
x: 10,
y: 580
imageLogo.on('mousedown', function() {
console.log('logo trykt');
var imgNextDayButton = new Image();
imgNextDayButton.src = 'http://folk.ntnu.no/rubenra/web/Resources/nextDayButton.png';
imgNextDayButton.onload = function(){
imageNextDayButton = new Kinetic.Image({
image: imgNextDayButton,
x: buttonsBound.getAttr('x')+60,
y: buttonsBound.getAttr('y')+20
imageNextDayButton.on('mousedown', function() {
alert('Neste Dag');
console.log('knapp trykt');
var imgWarn = new Image();
imgWarn.src = 'http://folk.ntnu.no/rubenra/web/Resources/shapeWarn.png';
imgWarn.onload = function(){
imageWarn = new Kinetic.Image({
image: imgWarn,
x: xstart+100,
y: ystart+45,
width: imgWarn.width,
heigth: imgWarn.height
alert('Show Warning to ' + name);
And here is link to the sourcecode. It is not working on jsbin, but it should work in every code editor.
Link to the page on server: Page on server
@Yechoua Guedj was right that it was because of the way I resized my canvas. A simple way that solved all my eventproblems is like this.
window.onresize = function () {
var width = $("#fullscreenDiv").innerWidth();
var height = width * 9 / 16;
xScale = (width/initialWidth)*initialScale.x;
var newScale = {x: xScale, y: xScale};
stage.setAttr('width', width);
stage.setAttr('height', height);
stage.setAttr('scale', newScale);