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How can I exclude files

Using CMD from within Sencha Architect I've been able to build a production build of my application. However I can not seem to figure out how to exclude a js file from the build process. I don't want it compiled in with app.js I want it as a separate script include in index.html - so cmd shouldn't touch it basically.

Sencha Arhitech generates and calls build.xml which calls build-impl.xml which calls init-impl.xml

Everywhere I've read, they say to include the following;

<target name="-before-init">
    <echo>Setting build.operations...</echo>
    <property name="build.operations">

However it refuses to exclude the file...I can see the echos so I know it's hitting the target..

Any ideas? Is this how I am supposed to exclude files?

app.framework.version= app.cmd.version=


  • Turns out this won't be possible to do until Sencha Architect 3.1