I would like to use p:rating component, to vote and save the value into the database (if it is already voted to be able to extract the value from the db later). In the Entity i have also comments fields and i would like if comments are already written to add only the vote so i sometimes i make merge instead of persist (if there is nothing for this request written in the DB). I have the following code in my .xhtml page:
rendered="#{not empty userRequestBean.request.hiredAgency.city}">
<p:rating value="#{userRequestBean.rating}" stars="10"
In my bean I have:
@ManagedBean(name = "userRequestBean")
public class UserRequestBean implements Serializable {
private Integer rating; // Plus get and set methods
private TComment agencyComment = new TComment();
public void rateAgency() {
if (rating == null) return;
EntityManager em = HibernateUtil.getEntityManager();
if (!em.getTransaction().isActive())
Query queryAgencyComment = em.createQuery("select comment "
+ "from TRequest req join req.requestComments comment "
+ "where req.id = :requestId ");
Long requestId = (Long) request.getId();
queryAgencyComment.setParameter("requestId", requestId);
agencyComment = (TComment) queryAgencyComment.getSingleResult();
if (agencyComment.equals(null)) {
agencyComment = new TComment();
agencyComment.setCommentDate(new Date());
} else {
But onRate, the method rateAgency is not executed. It is executed only once when the page is rendered. How can i implement this working?
The attribute onRate
defines a JavaScript (client side) action, whilst you are trying to run a server method.
You need an ajax action instead:
<p:rating value="#{userRequestBean.rating}" stars="10" >
<p:ajax event="rate" listener="#{userRequestBean.rateAgency()}" />
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