I made several classes. GeoUnit is the baseclass from which County and Holding are directly extended. County however has a substructure consisting of Holdings.
When I use the toString() method of county it should display its substructure ,consisting of holdings, by calling the holdings' toString() method. The problem lies in that I am puzzled that when I call the County's toString() method I get their regular name like "Wessex" ,while the Holding's toString() method only returns the hashcode instead of London for example. Isn't dynamic binding applicable in the for-each loop in the toString() method of County?
EDIT 1: Wessex and London are something small that serve as an illustration.
public class GeoUnit {
private String name;
private Color RGB;
private Image COA;
public GeoUnit(String name, Color RGB, Image COA) {
this.name = name;
this.RGB = RGB;
this.COA = COA;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public class County extends GeoUnit {
private int positionLandedTitles;
private GeoUnit superstruct;
private ArrayList<GeoUnit> substruct;
private String capital;
public County(int positionLandedTitles, String name, Color RGB, Image COA, ArrayList<? extends GeoUnit> substruct, String capital, GeoUnit superstruct) {
super(name, RGB, COA);
this.positionLandedTitles = positionLandedTitles;
this.substruct = substruct;
this.capital = capital;
this.superstruct = superstruct;
public void setName(String name) {
public String toString() {
String a = "";
for (GeoUnit g : substruct) {
a += g.toString() + "\n";
return ("Name County: " + super.getName()+ "\n \t\t\tSubstruct: " + a);
public class Holding extends GeoUnit {
public Holding(String name, Color RGB, Image COA) {
super(name, RGB, COA);
public void setName(String name) {
public String getName(){
return super.getName();
You should define the toString() method in the Holding class. As it is not defined there, nor in the super class (GeoUnit), then the super-super class method is used (Object)