I have the following Obj-C method:
- (RACSignal *)updateCurrentConditions {
return [[self.client fetchCurrent:self.coordinate] doNext:^(WXCondition *condition) {
self.currentCondition = condition;
I'm trying to figure out how to convert it into Swift, except I'm not sure how to return it properly.
How would I go about doing:
[[self.client fetchCurrent:self.coordinate] doNext:^(WXCondition *condition) {}];
func updateCurrentConditions() -> RACSignal {
return client.fetchCurrent(coordinate: coordinate) {
currentCondition = condition
Here is a link to ReactiveCocoa and information regarding -doNext:
You can try this:
func updateCurrentConditions() -> RACSignal {
let fetchSignal = client.fetchCurrent(coordinate: coordinate)
return fetchSignal.doNext(block: {condition: WXCondition? -> Void in
let wxCondition = condition as WXCondition
currentCondition = wxCondition