I want to have a function which is able to call any function and retrieve a proper value.
these are some examples of what I need:
var IList<Person> = InvokeFunction<IList<Person>>(repositoryPerson.GetAllPerson);
var Persion = InvokeFunction<Person>(repositoryPerson.GetPersonById, 10);
var int = InvokeFunction<int>(repositoryPerson.RunCustomStoreProcedure, 250,"text",521,10);
It can be a generic function:
public static T InvokeFunction<T>(Func<T> functionName)
T obj = functionName.Invoke();
return obj;
How to use:
public static string method1(string a, string b)
return a + b;
public static int method2(int id1, string id2, string id3)
return 0;
var result1 = InvokeFunction<string>(() => method1("val1", "val2"));
var result2 = InvokeFunction<int>(() => method2(123, "val1", "val2"));