I'm trying to connect to an ASMX web service and the code generated in a Windows Phone Project is different than in Windows Forms. In Windows Forms, the methods of this web service returns a DataSet, so I go through all rows in the existing tables of this object:
MyObject myObject = new MyObject();
DataSet dataSet = soapClient.SomeMethod();
foreach (DataTable table in dataSet.Tables)
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
myObject.SomeProperty = row["SomeProperty"];
myObject.SomeOtherProperty = row["SomeOtherProperty"];
But in Windows Phone it generates an async version of this method which I subscribe to an event that fires when the request is completed. And the event args brings me a ArrayOfXElement, which seems to be a Windows Phone version of the DataSet object. So how do I parse this?
Before you mark this question as duplicated, know that the other answers available in this site is not working.
Alright, I managed to get this working. This web service method always return two XElements, which the first one is just a header, declaring what's coming next. So I ignore the first XElement, and inside the NewDataSet element there's a Table element, which has the content I want.
bool first = true;
foreach (XElement xEl in e.Result.Nodes)
if (first)
// Ignore the first XElement
first = false; continue;
var dataSetElement = xEl.Element("NewDataSet");
var tableElement = dataSetElement.Element("Table");
// And here's the useful data
Notice that this only gets the first table row. If there's more than one table row, you'll find the others rows with the msdata:rowOrder