i have reflected one program with .net reflector and open it in visual studio. one item in each form is:
bool IControlByOptions.get_IsDisposed()
return this.IsDisposed;
when i build solution , it has an error :
'Solo.Module.CtrlProductForm.Solo.Base.IControlByEdition.get_IsDisposed()' explicit method implementation cannot implement 'Solo.Base.IControlByEdition.IsDisposed.get' because it is an accessor.
IControlByOptions file contents :
using System;
namespace Solo.Base
public interface IControlByOptions
bool IsDisposed { get; }
void RefreshUIFromCompanyOrPersonalOptions();
how to fix this error ?
Try changing the implementation to
bool IControlByOptions.IsDisposed
get { return this.IsDisposed; }
Update based on your comments. Try this for properties with setter.
bool ICtrlTemplateOption.Visible
get { return this.Visible; }
set { this.Visible = value; }