I am using uploadcare widget in my angularjs-based application. I integrated this widget as angular directive.
Documentation said, that I should set global variable to change locale:
But I am not very familiar with angular. So, I have no idea how do it dynamically.
I'll be glad of any help.
I tryed to add $rootScope to my uploadcare directive and set UPLOADCARE_LOCALE variable there:
angular.module("project").directive 'projectUploadcare', ($uploadcare, $rootScope) ->
restrict: 'E'
replace: true
template: '''
<span class="uploadcare-preview"></span>
<input type="hidden">
link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
$rootScope.UPLOADCARE_LOCALE = 'ru'
... other code ...
but it does not help.
All global settings are read one time at page loading. Locale is global setting and can't be overwritten for particular widget. But according to source there is a hack which allows one to rebuild translation at runtime.
First, you need to acquire internal Uploadcare API.
var internalUploadcare;
uploadcare.plugin(function(internal) {
internalUploadcare = internal;
Then you can use internal internalUploadcare.locale.rebuild
method to rebuild locale settings. Third step is reinitialize your existing widgets on the page. For example:
$('#uploader input:eq(0)')
Add all together: http://jsbin.com/comone/1/watch