I have make a js function which is call on button click
in which there is 59 differnt values are assign to diffenrt Html element by java script.
Now i found all Values are assign properly
but there are 2 kendo ui drop down also on page, not dropdown is cascading so frist i assign value of 1st dropdown and accoding that dropdown 2nd dropdown refereshed and then i had to assign values but that 2nd drop down don't accept value.
i had to put a alert in that function if i put alert then it's disply why?
if (c != null) {
var Country = $("#CountryForPricing").data("kendoDropDownList");
Country.select(function (dataItem)
return dataItem.Value == c;
execution pointer is execute this function line by line this is prove by this alert function and " CatalogPricingSetProgramExRate(c) " is also called but dropdown don't get value.
if alert is removed then it's not work and if i put alert then it's work why? is there any timing issue?
can any one guide me..?
Regards, vinit
I can't be sure with the amount of code posted, but it sounds like your second dropdown is still populating with the button onclick function.
I believe you need to wait for the cascade to finish before you can set it. You do a Timeout, but think you can handle it with the cascade event aswell.
<input id="dropdownlist" />
cascade: function() {
// Handle the event