module ram_1_verilog(input EnA,input EnB,
input WeA, input WeB,
input Oe,
input clk);
LINE :25 input [7:0] Addr_a; //Error
LINE :26 input [7:0]Addr_b; //Error
LINE :27 input reg [7:0] dout1; //Error
LINE :28 output reg [7:0] dout_2; //Error
reg [7:0] ram [255:0];
always @(posedge clk)
if(EnA == 1 && WeA == 1) begin
LINE 35 ram(Addr_a) <= dout1; //Error
always @(posedge clk)
if(EnB == 1 && WeB == 0) begin
LINE : 44 dout_2 <= ram(Addr_b); //Error
Syntax error near "<=". line 35
Line 25: Port Addr_a is not defined Verilog file C:/Documents and Settings/verilog_examples/ram_1_verilog.v ignored due to errors
Line 25: Port declaration not allowed in ram_1_verilog with formal port declaration list
Line 26: Port Addr_b is not defined
Line 26: Port Addr_b is not defined
Line 26: Port declaration not allowed in ram_1_verilog with formal port declaration list
Line 27: Port dout1 is not defined
Line 27: Non-net port dout1 cannot be of mode input
Line 27: Port declaration not allowed in ram_1_verilog with formal port declaration list
Line 28: Port dout_2 is not defined
Line 28: Port declaration not allowed in ram_1_verilog with formal port declaration list
Line 35: dout1 is not a task
Line 44: ram is not a function.
Line 44: ram expects 0 arguments.
Line 44: Cannot assign an unpacked type to a packed type.
I'm working on a dpram, but I'm getting errors in Verilog. Please help me figure out the error.
, Addr_b
, dout1
and dout_2
are not declared in port declaration list and then are defined as input