A.14. ~ Escape Ordering
An example target JSON document:
{ "/": 9, "~1": 10 }
A JSON Patch document:
[ {"op": "test", "path": "/~01", "value": 10} ]
The resulting JSON document:
{ "/": 9, "~1": 10 }
I'm writing an implementation of this RFC, and I'm stuck on this. What is this trying to achieve, and how is it supposed to work?
Assuming the answer to the first part is "Allowing json key names containing /s to be referenced," how would you do that?
I think the example provided in RFC isn't exactly best thought-out, especially that it tries to document a feature only through example, which is vague at best - without providing any kind of commentary.
You might be interested in interpretation presented in following documents:
These seem awfully similar and I think it's due to nature of relation between Rackspace and OpenStack:
OpenStack began in 2010 as a joint project of Rackspace Hosting and NASA (...)
It actually provides some useful details including grammar it accepts and rationale behind introducing these tokens, as opposed to the RFC itself.
Edit: it seems that JSON pointers have separate RFC 6901, which is available here and OpenStack and Rackspace specifications above are consistent with it.