I am trying to build Apaches Xerxes 2.11.0 in Java and running into the following compile errors:
[xjavac] c:\Program Files\Java\libraries\xerces-2_11_0\build\src\org\apache\html\dom\HTMLFrameElementImpl.java:28: error: HTMLFrameElementImpl is not abstract and does not override abstract method getContentDocument() in HTMLFrameElement
[xjavac] public class HTMLFrameElementImpl
[xjavac] ^
[xjavac] c:\Program Files\Java\libraries\xerces-2_11_0\build\src\org\apache\html\dom\HTMLIFrameElementImpl.java:28: error: HTMLIFrameElementImpl is not abstract and does not override abstract method getContentDocument() in HTMLIFrameElement
[xjavac] public class HTMLIFrameElementImpl
[xjavac] ^
[xjavac] c:\Program Files\Java\libraries\xerces-2_11_0\build\src\org\apache\html\dom\HTMLObjectElementImpl.java:28: error: HTMLObjectElementImpl is not abstract and does not override abstract method getContentDocument() in HTMLObjectElement
[xjavac] public class HTMLObjectElementImpl
[xjavac] ^
Any thoughts on what I might be missing or doing wrong, or better, is there somewhere I can just download a pre-compiled jar for this library? (The "binary distribution" available on the downloads page seems to actually be just documentation and samples.)
I found the jars here:
I couldn't get m2e to load them in eclipse, but I was able to use the AddExternalJars... approach to add them (main jar plus source and javadoc jars)