I have a code to generate fib sequences with lazy.js
var fibF = function()
var seq = []; //build sequence array in this closure
var f = function(n)
var val;
if (n <= 1)
val = 1; // as the Fib definition in Math
val = seq[n - 2] + seq[n - 1]; // as the Fib definition in Math
seq[n] = val;
return val;
return f;
var fibSequence = _.generate(fibF);
/* just for test
var fib_1000 =
//[ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,...........,4.346655768693743e+208 ]
At the same time, I have a code of timer with Bacon.js
var B = require('baconjs');
var timeSequence = B
.interval(1000); //every second
console.log(require('moment')().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss'));
// print timestamps every second
I want to map
the the fibSequence
onto timeSequence
such as
var mySequence = fibSequence.map(timeSequence);
var mySequence = timeSequence.map(fibSequence);
Is it possible?
If so, please show me the way.
Any workaround solution is welcome.
//to simplify use Natrual, instead of Fib
var _ = require('lazy.js');
var __ = require('baconjs');
var natural = function(n)
return n;
var _natural = _.generate(natural); //natural numbers
var __timer = __.interval(1000); //every second
var map_to__ = function(_seq, __seq)
var it = _seq.getIterator();
var sequence =
return it.current();
return sequence;
var __mappedTimer = map_to__(_natural, __timer);
console.log(x); // print every second
I'm not sure whether this is the intended use of iterators, but it should work:
var it = fibSequence.getIterator()
var mySequence = timeSequence.map(function() {
return it.moveNext() && it.current();