I'm having trouble recompiling Angular code found in my $scope.content object after it is inserted to the DOM via ng-bind-html-unsafe. Anyone know how to have Angular digest this code? Thanks a ton in advance!
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<h2>HTML Testing</h2>
<div ng-bind-html-unsafe="content.iPhone"></div>
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.content = {
iPhone: "<div ng-style=\"style.iPhoneTest\">This shows up on an iPhone</div>",
iPad: "<div ng-style=\"style.iPadTest\">This shows up on an iPad</div>",
androidPhone: "<div ng-style=\"style.androidPhoneTest\">This shows up on an Android phone</div>",
androidTablet: "<div ng-style=\"style.androidPhoneTablet\">This shows up on an Android tablet</div>"
$scope.style = {
iPhoneTest: {background: 'blue', color: 'black'},
iPadTest: {background: 'black', color: 'white'},
androidPhoneTest: {background: 'yellow', color: 'black'},
androidTabletTest: {background: '#111', color: 'white'}
Why not using a directive instead of injecting ?
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<h2>HTML Testing</h2>
<div ng-my-phones="style"></div>
app.directive("ngMyPhones", function(){
return {
scope: {
"style": "=ngMyPhones"
template: '<div ng-style=\"style.iPhoneTest\">This shows up on an iPhone</div>'+
'<div ng-style=\"style.iPadTest\">This shows up on an iPad</div>'+
'<div ng-style=\"style.androidPhoneTest\">This shows up on an Android phone</div>'+
'<div ng-style=\"style.androidPhoneTablet\">This shows up on an Android tablet</div>'
Otherwise you have to use $compile
, to tell angular to apply the scope on custom html, but this is a ugly approach.
If you want dynamically decide which phone to show, you may pass the $scope.contents
array into the directive, $compile
and append the element by hand like this:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<h2>HTML Testing</h2>
<div ng-my-phone="content.iPhone" ng-my-phone-style="style"></div>
app.directive("ngMyPhone", function($compile){
return {
scope: {
"ngMyPhone": "=",
"style": "=ngMyPhoneStyle"
link: function($scope, $element){
var oldPhoneElement;
//Everytime the phone
$scope.$watch("ngMyPhone", function(newContent){
oldPhoneElement = angular.element(newContent);