I have a string and I need to remove these symbols: -- + [ ] { } ( ) \ /
For example:
String clean = "This \ is / an example. This -- is + an [(example)].";
clean = clean.replaceAll("[/[()/]]", "");
clean = clean.replaceAll("/-/-", "");
clean = clean.replaceAll("\\/","");
clean = clean.replaceAll("\\\\", " ");
clean = clean.replaceAll("\\+", "");
return clean.replaceAll("[ ]+", " ").trim();
My output should be: This is an example. This is an example.
My code does not remove everything I need and also I would like to know if there is a shorter way to do this.
Just some particularities I should mention: -
should be removed only if there are two together.
should be replaced by a whitespace. I'm going to try to adapt your solutions here. Thanks.
You can simply call the String.replaceAll method and specify that those characters must be replaced by the empty String:
clean = clean.replaceAll("(?:--|[\\[\\]{}()+/\\\\])", "");
But if you need to do this many times, it's worth creating a Pattern object so that the regex does not have to be compiled repeatedly:
private static final Pattern UNWANTED_SYMBOLS =
Now you can use this to create a Matcher object and use that to do the replacement:
Matcher unwantedMatcher = UNWANTED_SYMBOLS.matcher(clean);
clean = unwantedMatcher.replaceAll("");
This should be more efficient if you need to use the replacement in a loop which runs more than a few times.