I'm using RSpec/Capybara for Rails app testing and I need to check that one element in the view appears once and only once.
For example, in the following code, i need to make sure that task.title
will appear only once in the page. As shown, I can check if it exists or not, but I could not find how to check that it appears only once.
task = FactoryGirl.create(:task)
login_as(task.user, :scope => :user)
visit tasks_index_url
expect(page).to have_content task.title
Capybara's page.has_content?
(an alias of page.has_text?
) takes an optional number of times that the text should appear. So you can just change your expectation to be
expect(page).to have_content(task.title, count: 1)
has several other options, which don't appear in the rdoc but are documented in the source (starting at line 234 of the current version:):
# @option options [Integer] :count (nil) Number of times the text should occur
# @option options [Integer] :minimum (nil) Minimum number of times the text should occur
# @option options [Integer] :maximum (nil) Maximum number of times the text should occur
# @option options [Range] :between (nil) Range of times that should contain number of times text occurs