I have this (attempt of) long polling function
I want to call this function in a certain time and then make the long polling work as long as the gallery has the updating
class, gallery in this case is a $("... ")
function pollGallery(gallery){
if (gallery.hasClass("updating")){
var url = gallery.data("base") + "/refresh";
$.ajax({ url: url, dataType: "script", complete: pollGallery(gallery), timeout: 30000 });
When I run this I get Maximum call stack size exceeded
and from the logs it seems as if it doesn't either call the ajax or the timeout doesn't work..
Your code is not passing a callback function to complete
, it simply calls a function recursively infinitely.
$.ajax({ url: url, dataType: "script", complete: function() {
}, timeout: 30000 });
expects a function to be passed. By complete: pollGallery(gallery)
you immediately call pollGallery(gallery)
and attempt to assign its return value to the complete
option, thus getting stuck in an infinite recursion loop.