I have a checkbox .
<aui:input name = "enable" id = "enable" type="checkbox" label= 'Enable' onchange='handleClick(this);' />
I load the previous state of the checkbox on page load. When the previous state is checked, I do the following.
var namespace = "<portlet:namespace/>";
window.onload = function() {
var cb = document.getElementById(namespace+ "enable");
cb.checked = true;
alert("state: " + cb.checked);
//do something
The alert shows me the checkbox is true
and it executes the code that follows. However, the view does not show the checkbox to be checked! What am I missing?
The bad thing or the good thing with AUI Input
is, it appends Checkbox automatically to the id of input:checkbox
<input type="checkbox" onchange="handleClick(this);" value="true" onclick="Liferay.Util.updateCheckboxValue(this); " name="_manageorganization_WAR_manageorganizationportlet_enableCheckbox" id="_manageorganization_WAR_manageorganizationportlet_enableCheckbox" class="aui-field-input aui-field-input-choice">
And in your case with your "<portlet:namespace/>";
, it generates id as :
namespace+ "enableCheckbox"
So use it as :
var namespace = "<portlet:namespace/>";
window.onload = function() {
var cb = document.getElementById(namespace+ "enableCheckbox");
cb.checked = true;
alert("state: " + cb.checked);
//do something
And it will work.