I'm working on a snippet for check the Firefox OS version used.
Now i'm using the gecko version in the user agent string (is different in every version of Firefox OS) but it's not a professional solution often is simple.
The gist: https://gist.github.com/Mte90/11087561
Any suggestion?
The gist is updated with the better solution for check the Firefox OS version
Not very nice way to do this but you could parse the user agent
function convertVersionNumber(ver) {
var hashVersion = {
'18.0': '1.0.1',
'18.1': '1.1',
'26.0': '1.2',
'28.0': '1.3',
'30.0': '1.4',
'32.0': '1.5'
var rver = ver;
var sStr = ver.substring(0, 4);
if (hashVersion[sStr]) {
rver = hashVersion[sStr];
return (rver);
} function getVersion() {
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(mobile|tablet)/i)) {
var ffVersionArray = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/([\d]+\.[\w]?\.?[\w]+)/));
if (ffVersionArray.length === 2) {
return (convertVersionNumber(ffVersionArray[1]));
return (null);