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Linking tables through vba

I am completing an task that has been assigned to me for my colleagues in the USA (I'm based in the UK). However my database application uses linked Tables to a microsoft access database file over a network that has been encrypted as it stores customer information.

There is no colleague on the USA side with a similar skill set to make any alterations to database locations through VBA. I have seen various methods to connect to SQL databases as shown on the microsoft link below. However, to make it easier for someone to alter the location of the database.

Is it possible to ammend the below code so that will look at a text file which will house the location of the database back end then (C:\users\public\test1) for example and then Link the tables to the front end.

I have found the code below but it errors out saying that "object msysaccessstorage already exists". It errors out on the line "CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append tdf".

Option Explicit
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim mypass As String
Dim mypath As String
Dim myDb As String
Dim TableName As String

Function connectme()

mypass = "test1"
mypath = "C:\Users\Test1\Desktop\"
myDb = "EM1.accdb"

 ' Delete links so there won't be any duplicates
For Each tdf In CurrentDb.TableDefs
If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "MSys" And Left(tdf.Name, 15) <> "tblReportsState" And _
(tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedTable) = dbAttachedTable Then
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete tdf.Name
End If
Next tdf
Set tdf = Nothing

 ' Setup Links
Set dbs = OpenDatabase(mypath & myDb, False, False, "MS Access;PWD=" & mypass)

For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "msys" Then
TableName = tdf.Name
Set tdf = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(TableName)
tdf.Connect = ";PWD=" & mypass & ";Database=" + mypath + myDb
tdf.SourceTableName = TableName
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append tdf
End If

End Function


  • You are probably getting this error because Access' Tabledefs list does not always immediately reflect changes you make, i.e. a delete. You can refresh it with CurrentDB.TableDefs.Refresh after any .Appends and/or .Deletes, but this takes time, and considering that refreshing linked tables takes a significant amount of time each, time is something you may not be able to afford.

    It is better practice to check your TableDefs for pre-existing links and refresh them, not delete and recreate them, as deleting them also deletes any formatting, such as column widths and field formats that a refresh would leave unchanged.

    If you have tables that need their links refreshed, change the .Connect property, then use CurrentDB.TableDefs(TableName).RefreshLink

    You should only be using CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete tdf.Name when the source table no longer exists.

    I use a method similar to this myself, however I also store the date and time of the last linked table refresh, and only refresh those tables that had their schema modified after that time. With a hundred or more table links and 2+ seconds per table to refresh the links, I need to save all the time I can.


    The following code is the code I use to perform a similar task linking MS Access to SQL Server.

    Disclaimer: The following code is provided as-is, and will not work for a pure Access front-end/back-end situation. It will be necessary to modify it to suit your needs.

    Public Sub RefreshLinkedTables()
        Dim adoConn As ADODB.Connection
        Dim arSQLObjects As ADODB.Recordset
        Dim CreateLink As Boolean, UpdateLink As Boolean, Found As Boolean
        Dim dWS As DAO.Workspace
        Dim dDB As DAO.Database
        Dim drSQLSchemas As DAO.Recordset, drSysVars As DAO.Recordset, drMSO As DAO.Recordset
        Dim dTDef As DAO.TableDef
        Dim ObjectTime As Date
        Dim sTStart As Double, sTEnd As Double, TStart As Double, TEnd As Double
        Dim CtrA As Long, ErrNo As Long
        Dim DescStr As String, SQLStr As String, ConnStr As String
        Dim SQLObjects() As String
        sTStart = PerfTimer()
        Set dWS = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
        Set dDB = dWS.Databases(0)
        Set drSysVars = dDB.OpenRecordset("tbl_SysVars", dbOpenDynaset)
        If drSysVars.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
        AppendTxtMain "Refreshing Links to """ & drSysVars![ServerName] & """: """ & drSysVars![Database] & """ at " & Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss AMPM"), True
        Set adoConn = SQLConnection()
        Set arSQLObjects = New ADODB.Recordset
        SQLStr = "SELECT AS [Schema], sys.objects.*, + '.' + AS SOName " & _
                 "FROM sys.objects INNER JOIN sys.schemas ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id " & _
                 "WHERE (sys.objects.type IN ('U', 'V')) AND (sys.objects.is_ms_shipped = 0) " & _
                 "ORDER BY SOName"
        ObjectTime = Now()
        arSQLObjects.Open SQLStr, adoConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
        Set drSQLSchemas = dWS.Databases(0).OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM USys_tbl_SQLSchemas WHERE LinkObjects = True", dbOpenDynaset)
        Set drMSO = dWS.Databases(0).OpenRecordset("SELECT Name FROM MSysObjects WHERE Type In(1,4,6) ORDER BY Name", dbOpenSnapshot)
        ReDim SQLObjects(0 To arSQLObjects.RecordCount - 1)
        With arSQLObjects
            If Not .EOF Then
            End If
            prgProgress.Max = .RecordCount
            prgProgress = 0
            CtrA = 0
            ConnStr = "DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};SERVER=" & drSysVars![ServerName] & ";DATABASE=" & drSysVars![Database]
            If Nz(drSysVars![UserName]) = "" Then
                ConnStr = ConnStr & ";Trusted_Connection=YES"
                ConnStr = ConnStr & ";Uid=" & drSysVars![UserName] & ";Pwd=" & drSysVars![Password] & ";"
            End If
            Do Until .EOF
                TStart = PerfTimer
                SQLObjects(CtrA) = arSQLObjects![Schema] & "_" & arSQLObjects![Name]
                AppendTxtMain ![SOName] & " (" & ![modify_date] & "): ", True
                drSQLSchemas.FindFirst "[SchemaID] = " & ![schema_id]
                If Not drSQLSchemas.NoMatch Then
                    UpdateLink = False
                    CreateLink = False
                    drMSO.FindFirst "Name=""" & drSQLSchemas![SchemaName] & "_" & arSQLObjects![Name] & """"
                    If drMSO.NoMatch Then
                        CreateLink = True
                        AppendTxtMain "Adding Link... "
                        Set dTDef = dDB.CreateTableDef(arSQLObjects![Schema] & "_" & arSQLObjects![Name], dbAttachSavePWD, ![SOName], "ODBC;" & ConnStr)
                        dDB.TableDefs.Append dTDef
                        dDB.TableDefs(dTDef.Name).Properties.Append dTDef.CreateProperty("Description", dbText, "«Autolink»")
                    ElseIf ![modify_date] >= Nz(drSysVars![SchemaUpdated], #1/1/1900#) Or RegexMatches(dDB.TableDefs(arSQLObjects![Schema] & "_" & arSQLObjects![Name]).Connect, "SERVER=(.+?);")(0).SubMatches(0) <> drSysVars![ServerName] _
                           Or (dDB.TableDefs(arSQLObjects![Schema] & "_" & arSQLObjects![Name]).Attributes And dbAttachSavePWD) <> dbAttachSavePWD Then
                        UpdateLink = True
                        AppendTxtMain "Refreshing Link... "
                        With dDB.TableDefs(arSQLObjects![Schema] & "_" & arSQLObjects![Name])
                            .Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD
                            .Connect = "ODBC;" & ConnStr
                        End With
                    End If
                End If
                TEnd = PerfTimer()
                AppendTxtMain SplitTime(TEnd - TStart, 7, "s")
                prgProgress = prgProgress + 1
                CtrA = CtrA + 1
        End With
        prgProgress = 0
        prgProgress.Max = dDB.TableDefs.Count
        TStart = PerfTimer()
        AppendTxtMain "Deleting obsolete linked tables, started " & Now() & "...", True
        For Each dTDef In dDB.TableDefs
            If dTDef.Connect <> "" Then ' Is a linked table...
                On Error Resume Next
                DescStr = dTDef.Properties("Description")
                ErrNo = Err.Number
                On Error GoTo 0
                Select Case ErrNo
                    Case 3270   ' Property does not exist
                        ' Do nothing.
                    Case 0      ' Has a Description.
                        If RegEx(DescStr, "«Autolink»") Then    ' Description includes "«Autolink»"
                            Found = False
                            For CtrA = 0 To UBound(SQLObjects)
                                If SQLObjects(CtrA) = dTDef.Name Then
                                    Found = True
                                    Exit For
                                End If
                            If Not Found Then   ' Delete if not in arSQLObjects
                                AppendTxtMain "Deleting """ & dTDef.Name & """", True
                                dDB.TableDefs.Delete dTDef.Name
                            End If
                        End If
                End Select
            End If
            prgProgress = prgProgress + 1
        TEnd = PerfTimer()
        AppendTxtMain "Completed at " & Now() & " in " & SplitTime(TEnd - TStart, 7, "s"), True
        drSysVars![SchemaUpdated] = ObjectTime
        Set drSQLSchemas = Nothing
        Set arSQLObjects = Nothing
        Set adoConn = Nothing
        Set drSysVars = Nothing
        Set drMSO = Nothing
        Set dDB = Nothing
        Set dWS = Nothing
        prgProgress = 0
    End Sub