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How to organize jar files in a libraries folder in Eclipse?

I have a Java Project in Eclipse, and a Java Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse. In the former, all the jar files are shown individually under the top-level project folder. In the latter, the jar files are under a Libraries folder and the navigation is more convenient.

Is it possible to organize them in the same way in the Java Project also? If so, how?

Update: It is the Project Explorer View. For the Java Project, I see: "my_project_name" with the arrow expanded to point downwards, then I see: "package_icon src/main/java" and below that "package_icon src/main/resources" and then 20 jar files one below the other: "jar_icon activation-1.1.jar", ...

For the Java Dynamic Web Project I see: "my_project_name" as above, then I see: "JAX-WS Web Services" (unexpanded), then "Deployment Descriptor" (unexpanded), then "Java Resources" which I have expandeded, so I see the components of it below, of which the first is: "package_icon src/main/java", then below it, "package_icon src/main/resources", then below it "libraries_icon Libraries" instead of 20 jars! I have the option of expanding Libraries if I really need to see the 20 jars.


  • Similar to M Miller's answer (but for Juno), click Show 'Referenced Libraries' Node in the dropdown of the Package Explorer window:

    Reference Libraries Node execution and result

    I'm using:

    Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
    Version: Juno Release
    Build id: 20120614-1722