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Prevent KDE Kate 3.13 from auto-collapsing folders in Documents pane on File Open?

I've looked high and low through the settings, but I can't seem to figure out how to prevent KDE Kate 3.13 from auto-collapsing branches in the Documents pane when opening files. This is really annoying to me, since I then have to re-dig in to the collapsed file structures to figure out where the previous file I was working on is located.

Does anyone know where the secret sauce is on this one?

To reproduce this issue:

  1. Have a Kate installation at or around version 3.13
  2. Place the Documents pane in Tree view via Right Click->View Mode->Tree Mode
  3. Open up several documents in different branches via File->Open.
  4. Open up a file in a different branch than the currently exposed branches in the tree view.
  5. Observe that the other branches in the Documents pane auto-collapse.

Workaround While Waiting For Fix:

  1. Enable Console Tool and open Konsole interface (or use a regular Konsole instance)
  2. execute "kate " to open the file without triggering the document collapse.


  • There is a bug report about it and we also have a possible fix. However, this fix was not yet applied. If all goes well, this is fixed for KDE SC 4.13.3.