This part of the puzzle is my nightmare, I have deployed ServiceMix, and 2 Java apps on 2 different tomcat instances :
First app :
Second app :
Now my two apps need to communicate, though I want that communication to go through ServiceMix, so I can do some logs and everything.
I've created a blueprint XML file in the ./deploy
directory, but what routes should I put in them?
I can't do this :
<from uri="http://localhost:8080/textmsgClient"/>
<log message="Test log"/>
<to uri="http://localhost:8181/textmsgServer"/>
so what is the correct thing to do ?
by the way, my XML file looks like this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<camelContext xmlns="">
<from uri="file:camel/input"/>
<log message="Moving ${file:name} to the output directory"/>
<to uri="file:camel/output"/>
Take a look at the list of Camel Components. Not knowing what type of data you are sending between services, it is difficult to recommend which one to use. However, theres a component for pretty much every data type you can imagine, and even support to make your own!
Edit An example might be:
<from uri="direct:textmsgClient"/>
<log message="Test log"/>
<to uri="direct:textmsgServer"/>