I am using gktmm 3.0
on an Ubuntu 12.04 box with the default GCC toolchain.
In the C# world, the ComboBox
class has a ComboxBox.item[n].value
property, which allows you to associate each item in the comboBox with data.
I am looking for something similar in the Gtk::ComboBoxText
class. How can I associate data - a string, integer or enum member for example - with a particular Gtk::ComboBoxText
I know that many frameworks provide a genericdata
pointer on widgets for such use, as this is quite a common need.
Is there something in Gtk::ComboBoxText
class or one of its parent classes that might allow me accomplish this, or do I need to set up such an association myself, using a map or other associative collection?
The Gtk::ComboBoxText append, insert() and prepend() methods allows you to specify an ID string as well as the human-visible text. For instance: https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm/stable/classGtk_1_1ComboBoxText.html#a19e80f4e451e23d2c00d3fb11023f9f2
But it would be clearer and more type-safe to use Gtk::ComboBox and define an actual underlying model that contains the associated data. This example uses an int, but you could use other types or use more columns: https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm-tutorial/stable/combobox-example-full.html.en