I have a few test values in my database and i want to fetch them all in android. This is my following JSON output of the values inside my Database:
[{"email_address":"[email protected]","comment":"qwehgashdgaskdaweq","date_comment":"2014-06-21","time_comment":"08:28:00","password":"somePass"},
{"email_address":"[email protected]","comment":"asfasdasdasd","date_comment":"2104-06-12","time_comment":"09:03:00","password":"somePass"}
{"email_address":"[email protected]","comment":"asdsfafd","date_comment":"2014-06-22","time_comment":"04:44:00","password":"somePass"}]
But every time that I run this code: http://prntscr.com/3vhs5j , it only gives me the first line of the JSON output.: http://prntscr.com/3vi34b
How can I show all the rows( instead of 1 row)in android?
You can use a JSONObject provided by the android API. The JSONObject has a method called getJSONArray()
your error there is that you are instantiating a JSONArray with your Object. you should try this:
JSONArray myArray =jsonObject.getJSONArray();
This is a snippet of code from one of my apps that worked very well to retrieve Json data.
success = jObject.getInt(TAG_SUCCESS);
vehicles = jObject.getJSONArray(Vehicle.TAG_VEHICLES);
if(success == 1) {
// loop through all the vehicles
for(int i = 0; i < vehicles.length(); i++) {
JSONObject obj = vehicles.getJSONObject(i);
// Get each element based on it's tag
String year = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_YEAR);
String model = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_MODEL);
String brand = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_BRAND);
String color = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_COLOR);
String license_plate = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_LICENSE);
String main_driver = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_DRIVER);
String policeNumber = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_POLICENUMBER);
String driversLicense = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_DRIVER_LICENSE);
String licenseState = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_LICENSE_STATE);
String driverBirthday = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_BIRTHDAY_MONTH) + "/" +
obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_BIRTHDAY_DAY) + "/" +
String driverGender = obj.getString(Vehicle.TAG_DRIVER_GENDER);
ListRowGroup group = new ListRowGroup(brand + " " + year + " " + model, brand);
group.children.add(brand + " " + year + " " + model);
group.children.add(driversLicense + " - " + licenseState);
group.children.add(driverBirthday + " - " + driverGender);
vehiclesGroup.append(i, group);