I have this function: (which is I guess abstract factory for creating javascript objects)
var $class = function(definition) {
var constructor = definition.constructor;
var parent = definition.Extends;
if (parent) {
var F = function() { };
constructor._superClass = F.prototype = parent.prototype;
constructor.prototype = new F();
for (var key in definition) {
constructor.prototype[key] = definition[key];
constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor;
return constructor;
A use it for defining classes C/java syntax like with polymorphism and extending:
var Bullet = $class({
Extends: GameObject,
constructor: function(texturePath, x, y, ctx, direction, passable, player) {
GameObject.call(this, texturePath, x, y, ctx, 1, 1, passable, new Array(8, 8, 0, 0));
isActive: function() {
getPlayer: function() {
update: function(dt) {
destroy: function() {
processCollision: function() {
And then calling:
var bullet = new Bullet(params);
I tried to rewrite it into nodejs module like this:
var $class = function(definition) {
var constructor = definition.constructor;
var parent = definition.Extends;
if (parent) {
var F = function() { };
constructor._superClass = F.prototype = parent.prototype;
constructor.prototype = new F();
for (var key in definition) {
constructor.prototype[key] = definition[key];
constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor;
return constructor;
module.exports.createClass = function() {
return $class();
And then call it with:
var c = require(__dirname + "\\Class");
var Bullet = c.createClass({
Extends: GameObject,
constructor: function() {}
But it doesn't work, can you please help me with rewriting?
UPDATE: I rewrited it from @Salem answer, but I lost extending and polymorphism in process. In order to have extending I simply have to write instead of
Extends: ParentClass
Extends: ParentClass.constructor
I've expected that polymorphism would be something like:
// in class which is extended from ParentClass
// in parent class adding line
module.exports.method = ParentClass.method;
But this is undefined. So where is the catch?
FINALLY I used mochiscript module for nodejs, it is even better syntax sugar with more object oriented functionality.
In your code, createClass
is a function without any parameter. Also you call $class
without any paramter also.
You don't need to wrap all your code in a function, because everything you declare there won't be accessible from outside unless you export it. So it should be something like this:
var func = function(definition) {
var constructor = definition.constructor;
var parent = definition.Extends;
if (parent) {
var F = function() { };
constructor._superClass = F.prototype = parent.prototype;
constructor.prototype = new F();
for (var key in definition) {
constructor.prototype[key] = definition[key];
constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor;
return constructor;
module.exports.createClass = func;
This means that if you require this module as X
, the only thing you can access is X.createClass
, and not X.func
or anything else.