I'm having trouble passing a WCHAR_T
to ReadProcessMemory
This is how to succesfully pass a pointers address to ReadProcessMemory
, I can do it with structures:
remote_tbb = ralloc_alloc(struct_TBButton.size);
var rez = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETBUTTON, i, ctypes.voidptr_t(remote_tbb));
if (!rez) { throw new Error('Failed on SendMessage of TB_GETBUTTON') }
var local_tbb = new struct_TBButton();
var retRead = ralloc_read(remote_tbb, local_tbb.address());
var freed = ralloc_free(remote_tbb);
But now I need to do with WCHAR_T
, so this is what I have:
var chars = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW, local_tbb.idCommand, ctypes.voidptr_t(0));
console.log('chars=', chars, chars.toString(), uneval(chars));
if (chars && parseInt(chars.toString()) > 0) {
var remote_buf = ralloc_alloc(parseInt(chars.toString()));
var charsRe = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW, local_tbb.idCommand, ctypes.voidptr_t(remote_buf));
console.log('charsRe=', charsRe);
var local_buf = ctypes.jschar; //WCHAR_T
var retRead = ralloc_read(remote_buf, local_buf.address()); ///PROBLEM LINE
console.log('retRead=', retRead);
var freed = ralloc_free(remote_buf);
console.log('freed=', freed);
console.log('Button Text = ', local_buf, local_buf.toString());
} else {
console.log('Button Text = NONE');
So my problem is on line:
var retRead = ralloc_read(remote_buf, local_buf.address());`
and it is specifically on the local_buf.address()
Errors in my experimenting that get thrown are:
expected type pointer, got ctypes.jschar
local_buf.address is not a function
So how to pass WCHAR_T
as reference?
Here is my ralloc_read
function ralloc_read(remote_address, local_buffer) {
var found_addr;
for (var i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) {
if (buffers[i][0] == remote_address) {
found_addr = buffers[i]
if (!found_addr) {
return null;
/*using the found remote address(found_addr[0]),
*i read size bytes (found_addr[1]) into my local_buffer*/
//console.info('found_addr[0]', found_addr[0].toString());
var rez = ReadProcessMemory(proc, found_addr[0], local_buffer, found_addr[1], 0);
return rez;
If ralloc_read
calls ReadProcessMemory
, then you'll need to allocate a jschar
array that will receive the result.
var local_buf = ctypes.jschar.array()(chars);
ralloc_read(remote_buf, local_buf.address());
var str = local_buf.readString();
Edit However, the allocation call is wrong:
This will allocate chars
bytes, e.g. chars = 11
, 11 bytes.
A wchar_t
however is not 1 byte but 2 bytes.
// 2
So you'll actually need to allocate a remote memory buffer that is larger:
ralloc_alloc(parseInt(chars.toString()) * ctypes.jschar.size);
// That would be ralloc_alloc(count * sizeof(wchar_t*)) in C/C++
The local_buf
stuff is correct, though as js-ctypes arrays will automatically calculate the required storage if it knows the size of the array element type, so a ctypes.jschar.array()(11)
buffer will actually have 11 elements of size 2 bytes, i.e. 11 items * 2 bytes/item == 22 bytes