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Sorting versioning info in tablesorter.js

I was wondering if there was a way to sort several version numbers (like 1.8.5 or 2.7.1).

Their length is not always the same (1.8 is greater than 1.7.1 for instance).

Is there a way to do that?


  • Try this generic version parser (demo):

    $(function () {
          Generic version parser
        // set the number of blocks
        // e.g. 2 = 000.000
        // and 3 = 000.000.000
        var blocks = 3,
            // length of each block
            // 3 = 000
            // 4 = 0000
            digits = 3;
            id: "versions",
            is: function (s) {
                return false;
            format: function (s, table) {
                var i,
                a = s ? s.split(".") : [],
                    r = "",
                    d = new Array(digits + 1).join('0');
                for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
                    r += (d + (a[i] || 0)).slice(-digits);
                return s ? $.tablesorter.formatFloat(r, table) : s;
            type: "numeric"
            theme: 'blue',
            headers: {
                3: { sorter: "versions" }