In my AngularJS app I want a factory with a method to change a variable in the factory itself by using $resource. The code I have written so far is the following:
factories.factory('FooFactory', function ($resource) {
var foo = null;
return {
query: function () {
foo = $resource(baseUrl + '/someUrl/:query', {}, {
query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true }
getFoo: function () {
return foo;
So when calling FooFactory.query({query: "someString"});
I want the factory to change the value of foo to the value received from the resource.
I need this behaviour because the value of foo is changed by a directive and I need to bind its value to a value in the scope of a controller.
However, the code above doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?
You do not call any method of resource
you only initialize it. Try this:
factories.factory('FooFactory', function ($resource) {
var foo = null;
return {
query: function () {
foo = $resource(baseUrl + '/someUrl/:query', {}, {
query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true }
getFoo: function () {
return foo;